Persze, tudom, te is ott voltál az analitikai kémián. Toltad a művtan laboron, izzadtál a fizkém vizsgán, gondolom, te sem felejted el soha, hogy milyen volt az élelmiszerjog vizsga, vagy egy géptan beadandó. : ) Élelmiszermérnök M. Sc. – Food Engineer M. Sc, - Élelmiszermérnök M. Sc. – itthon simán csak lecsómérnök, vagy lecsósnak nevezik őket, mivel a „lecsón” végeztek, és nem a „tájkaron”, vagy a „kertészkaron”.
Miért jött pont most elő, hogy mennyit ér egy lecsós?
Elárulták a szakértők: csak így lehet talpra állítani a magyar élelmiszeripart
/ 2020. december 4., péntek 13:30 /
Érdemes elolvasni a cikket. Ezért ragadtam billentyűzetet, hogy mivel felmerült az, hogy talpra kell állítani a hazai élelmiszeripart, akkor ahhoz kellenek a lecsósok, akik elvégeznek ezt –azt a megújuló élelmiszeriparban, mivel ehhez értenek.
Hogy tudják arrafelé, mit tud és mennyit keres átlagban egy lecsómérnök az USA-ban?
Mit mond a honlap: - degreesfinder -
Idézem szó szerint:
„ Food Engineer
Food engineers utilize the latest innovative technology to process, package, preserve and improve food products. This type of engineer works in combination with the agricultural and food processing industry to ensure food safety, supply, nutrition and value.
A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in agriculture, life sciences or food sciences is typically required to acquire an entry-level position in this field. Higher level degrees offer greater job opportunities and higher compensation.
Food engineers begin by acquiring a bachelor’s degree. A variety of undergraduate degrees may lead to a food engineering career including: natural sciences, agricultural sciences, life sciences or bioprocess engineering.
This profession offers excellent opportunities for growth and salary, but requires at least a bachelor’s degree and certification. Many national colleges note that 100% of their food engineer graduates acquire immediate employment upon graduation. Some universities state that they cannot keep up with the demand for food engineers.
Food Engineer Job Description
This type of engineering professional utilizes a wide variety of capabilities even beyond those acquired through education. Food engineers generally need strong problem-solving skills, effective verbal and written communication and well-developed organizational abilities. Food engineers should be knowledgeable about process engineering, the chemical and physical properties of foods, microbiology and have an understanding of how machinery works with food products.
Depending on the specific job, a food engineer may do some or all of the following:
Food engineers often work for major corporations such as Frito-Lay, Kellogg, Nabisco and Kraft. Careers may also be found for food engineers within the government for agencies like the Food and Drug Administration or the Center for Disease Control.
Food Engineer Salary
According to the 2006 Census, food engineers earned an average of $62,400 per year. Upon graduating from college, most food engineers earn between $40,000 and $45,000 annually. With experience, it’s for this type of engineer to earn upwards of $90,000 to $100,000 per year. The Department of Labor anticipates that chemical engineering will grow faster than average over the next decade. Food engineering is considered one of the fastest developing professions for chemical engineers.”
Tehát, $ - $ 40 000 - $ 62 400 – $ 100 000 az éves fizetést lehetett elérni a szakmában, arrafelé az USA-ban, 2006-ban. Most 2020-at írunk.
Nézzük, mit tudnak a lecsómérnökökről az Egyesült Királyságban?
Idézet a szövegből:
„ Food scientists apply scientific expertise and technological principles to the study of food products and processes within manufacturing and research settings.
The consumer-led demand for safe, nutritious and convenient food products has resulted in a growth in opportunities for trained food scientists.
Food scientists study the microbiological, physical and chemical properties of food and ingredients to make sure they are safe for consumers. Responsibilities of the job include:
Typical employers
Employers of food scientists include food manufacturing and retail companies, universities, government organisations and specialist research associations.
Qualifications and training required
To become a food scientist, a good bachelor’s degree in an appropriate subject such as food science/technology, food/chemical engineering, biochemistry, nutrition, microbiology or chemistry is normally necessary.
Key skills for food scientists
Mennyit kereshet a lecsós az Egyesült Királyságban?
Site Engineering Manager - Food Production - Up to £70,000 per annum
Food Product launch Manager - London, £35,000 - £40,000
Szóval ennyit ér egy lecsós tudása a nemzetközi porondon, ezt minden lecsós tudja.
/ A fieztéseket nem érdemes átváltani forintra az ottani költségekhez érddemes viszonyítani. /
Ha fel akarjuk támasztani az élelmiszeripart, akkor egy lecsósnak éreznie kell, hogy érdemes részt venni ebben a történetben. A poszt következő része erről fog szólni.